After beginning the semester without their allocated representation in the University Student Senate, The New School for Public Engagement and Parsons can finally welcome their new USS senators.

Saif Latif, Kayla Kaull, and James Cooper are the new senators from Parsons, while Peta Mni and Cristina Valbuena-Castor will represent NSPE. The USS recently held special elections to fill five vacancies that occurred over the summer break – after three representatives took a leave of absence, one withdrew from The New School, and another transferred to New York University.
Mni said he was motivated to run in the special election after recently attending a student-led social justice retreat and a Peer Health Advocates training session.
“During those events I met a broad spectrum of students and heard compelling stories of their experiences, initiatives and unmet concerns,” Mni told the Free Press. “Through this I felt moved to contribute. After receiving an email about the elections, I decided to just go for it.”
Mni added that he hoped to “meaningfully serve [the university community] through cooperative, innovative and productive collaboration among fellow students, faculty and administration.”
Despite past obstacles, including problems with absenteeism and defections, Lang senator and senate co-chair Katherine Towell said she remained optimistic about the current crop of senators’ commitment to the USS.
“While there has been a history of commitment issues, there has also been an inarguable history of successes,” Towell said. “My hope is that with more people on the USS board, more initiatives will be spurred and greater interest will be taken by the students and their representatives.”
In other news, Towell said the senate recently passed a 50 percent increase, effective next semester, in the student fee that is allocated to the USS and comprises the body’s budget. The fee will increase to $7.50, from the previous amount of $5, according to Towell.
“We really needed a larger budget, and feel that the raise is completely justified,” she said.
Towell added that the USS is also in the process of drafting a new constitution, which she said would hopefully more closely reflect the senate’s procedures and strengthen its body.
“This year we are set to finish repairing our infrastructure, and be in a place to really reach out to the student body and invite their ideas,” she said. “Everyone has to remember that the University Student Senate was created to have the student voice heard, not to dictate it.”
Francia is currently a Culture & Media major student about to graduate. She hopes to write for a cheesy sitcom or television series one day. Her hobbies include binge watching shows on Netflix and drinking wine.
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