The New School isn’t really a place known for gossips. But New School Secrets changed the game. A student who goes by the pen name of V. Morrison created the Facebook page “New School Secrets” last month, as a online platform where students can post and share secrets anonymously.
Starting with one follower to 100 overnight, the page seems to be growing by about 100 more followers every day. The content tends to vary.
“We’re quickly growing so I felt that a page like this was important to have,” V. Morrison said. “It can go from being witty and playful to more serious matters. There’s really a subject for everyone to comment on.”
The site can be very hard to filter with some students writing about suicide and expressing feelings of loneliness at The New School.
“Because we all have our dark moments that seem to hit us around the late hours of the night — it just happens. I want those students that feel so alone or are depressed to understand that there really are others that feel the same way.” Morrison explained.
“When you post a site like New School Secrets you have to take the good with the bad. You have to understand that people will post funny things and also post creepy things,” senior Gabi Dolce-Bengtsson said.
Morrison added that sometimes, the page runs into personal issues.
“As for the eating disorders, well, it’s a problem here,” he said. “We live in a city where everything from the clothes we wear to the way we walk and talk are judged. I feel like others reach out and comment on posts like that to help out and ground people.”
But Morrison said he draws clear boundaries and refuses to promote bullying or any other mean-spirited remarks.
“I read and pick what should be posted,” he said. “I do filter out messages that contain names or are racist/anti-Semitic remarks.”
The school administration hasn’t posed an issue with New School Secrets. Morrison said he believes that it is because the New School would like to remain “liberal and maintain a free speech.”
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