We Spoke To First Time Voters At The Bernie Sanders Rally in Washington Square Park


Senator Bernie Sanders spoke to over 27,000 people in and around Washington Square Park on April 13, to address voters in preparation for the New York primary this Tuesday.

Many students and adults, even small children accompanied by their parents, waited in line for over two hours to hear Sanders speak about unequal wealth distribution, combatting climate change, and his consistent track record during his time on the senate on issues like same-sex marriage, affordable healthcare for all and the war in Iraq.

A few well known celebrity endorsers like Rosario Dawson and Spike Lee preceded the Senator to pump up the crowd with enthusiastic speeches. Alt-rock band and New York natives, Vampire Weekend, also played a few songs to the largely millennial-aged crowd.

NSFP asked students and first-time voters at the rally why they are voting for Sanders and why this election is such an important one to be a part of as a young person.

Michael DeLuca, Senior at NYU, Vice President of NYU Democrats

Michael DeLuca, Senior at NYU, Vice President of NYU Democrats (Photo/Gabriella Lewis)
Michael DeLuca, Senior at NYU, Vice President of NYU Democrats. (Photo/Gabriella Lewis)

“I think a lot of students are growing up in a system where they feel like their voice doesn’t matter, but Bernie represents change a system where college students can get their voices heard.”

Hector (left) Sean (right), Freshmen at NYU and first time voters

Caption: Hector (left) Sean (right), Freshmen at NYU and first time voters. (Photo/Gabriella Lewis)
Caption: Hector (left) Sean (right), Freshmen at NYU and first time voters. (Photo/Gabriella Lewis)


“I personally like him because he supports low income families and that’s been my background so he’s important to me.”


“A big part of young people caring so much about this election is due to social media, but at the same time young people could only be giving a shit about it now because it seems like a trend.”

Andrew (left) and Marissa (right), First Time Voters

Andrew (left) and Marissa (right), First Time Voters. (Photo/Gabriella Lewis)
Andrew (left) and Marissa (right), First Time Voters. (Photo/Gabriella Lewis)


“Bernie Sanders consistently stuck by every single one of his viewpoints and he understands the world as it really is, injustices and all. He’s a new type of politician.”


“He really encompasses what I think our world should be in terms of freedom and ultimate power to every individual to trust themselves and to live their life without having to worry about surviving.”

Mei Mei, Freshman at Parsons and first time voter

Mei Mei, Freshman at Parsons and first time voter. (Photo/Gabriella Lewis)
Mei Mei, Freshman at Parsons and first time voter. (Photo/Gabriella Lewis)

“I’m honestly pretty surprised that this generation is getting super hyped on the election, but maybe it’s because we have so much social media and we know about all of the problems as well as the different candidates’ solutions.”