The New School sent an email to students alerting them that water was out in seven New School buildings. Classes are still running, though bathrooms are not.
The lack of water is due to a water main break under Fifth Avenue near the main campus. The water main broke at around 9:30 Wednesday morning, DNA Info reports. There is also no heat in the affected buildings.
Buildings affected are the University Center, 66 Fifth Avenue, 2 West 13th Street, and 72 Fifth Avenue facilities.
“It’s kind of annoying because I just want to wash my hands after going to the bathroom. It will be a problem later when everyone wants to shower. Kind of a problem that I can’t be sanitary. The taps out, I can’t get water from the sink so I have to go buy bottle water,” Sara Nelson, a sophomore and resident at Kerrey Hall said.
The New School Dining Commons at the University Center closed at 12:30PM because of the lack of clean water. Food from the cafeteria was taken to the Lang Cafe and it will be open until 9:00PM tonight.
The New York Department of Environmental Protection told the New School Free Press that its “crews are on-scene and working to determine the source of the water leak.”

This is the second water main break in two years in front of The New School’s University Center. The last incident occurred in January of 2014.

Students have been told that bathrooms in those buildings are “not in working order” and are being forced to use the restrooms in other local university buildings.