Fashion On Fifth: Week Five












Oona Sullivan, a literature studies junior at Lang, sporting a mostly thrifted outfit from a Goodwill in the Bay Area, and sunglasses from Urban Outfitters. Sullivan said she wanted to be comfortable physically and emotionally today, her favorite part of her outfit being the sweater that reminds her of going to a windy, San Francisco beach.

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Esmé Loke O’Connor, an undecided freshman at Parsons, is wearing a sweater she thrifted while visiting San Francisco, a tee thrifted from the Goodwill in Queens, jeans she got somewhere in England, and her roommate’s hat. Her outfit reflects her tired, yet comfortable mood since she wore it the day before as well. O’Connor’s favorite thing she is wearing is her sweater, or “jumper” as the Brits say.

look31 look32Kareem Rashan, a strategic management and fashion design student at Parsons, is wearing a jacket he made himself, and Levi jeans and Timberland shoes he bought firsthand. He describes his style as not so out there, kind of classic, but then there’s a pop like the jacket he created––this being Rashan’s favorite part of his look today.

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Julian Guichard, media studies and music, wearing thrifted shirt and pants, an Alien Body Jacket, Beacon’s Closet glasses and a pair of Dr Martens shoes. The outfit reflects Julian´s “rock god” mood. The shirt is his favorite part of his outfit.

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Mike Lee, fashion design junior at Parsons, wearing all black, pieces from Road Shops generally, and white air force Nike shoes, his favorite outfit piece today. He is dressed to be comfortable.

look61 look62Jason Latham, design and technology freshman student at Parsons, wearing an H&M shirt, thrift shop 5$ pants, True Religion jacket and a pair of Dr Martens shoes. The last, his favorite piece of the outfit. Jason says he has a “tired, still carefree look.”

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Michael Klunder, an urban planning junior at Lang, is wearing a jacket from Urban Outfitters, a shirt from American Apparel, pants from Zara, and shoes and bag from Urban Outfitters as well. Klunder thinks his outfit represents his lackadaisical mood for the day, the jacket being his favorite part.

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An Nguyen, a fashion design freshman at Parsons, is donning a head to toe thrifted look from stores back in Utah. Today Nguyen is feeling lethargic but comfortable, hence, as he said, his favorite item being the “obese person” jacket.

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Andrew Ramirez, communications design senior at Parsons, wearing a vintage shirt, Rag and Bone pants, Ikea backpack and American Apparel duffle. His outfit reflects his “non-stop” mood. Andrew is erratic, going straight to class directly off a flight from Dallas. His vintage shirt is his favorite part of his outfit.

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Toyosi Oyetunde, a sophomore at Parsons in the fashion program, is wearing a black turtleneck from Strawberry, pants she thrifted somewhere in New Jersey, and a pair of Nikes she bought in SoHo. Oyetunde describes her mood and look as calm, collective, and simple. The Nike shoes are her favorite part of the outfit.

Photo by: Julia Himmel

Illustration: Alex Gilbeaux

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