Over a dozen protesters gathered outside a building that houses The New School offices holding a banner reading “No one is above the law.” Inside, The New York Metropolitan Republican club held an event to honor Rudy Guiliani.

Organized by Rise and Resist, an anti-Trump activist group formed after the 2016 election, the protest took place outside of 80 Fifth Ave, where the local Republican club rented event space for their 119th Metropolitan Gala. Protesting began around 5:30 p.m. this evening. The building, which is opposite The New School’s Kerrey Hall dorm, houses the university’s accounting office, administrative offices, and the Psychology Main Office among others.
“We’re out here tonight because the New York Metropolitan Republican Club is honoring Rudy Giuliani, who we feel should be indicted,” said Jamie Bower, a member of Rise and Resist who was present at the protest. Guiliani, former New York City Mayor and lawyer to Donald Trump, is undeserving of the honor because of his alleged involvement in the attempt to overrule the 2020 election results, according to Bower.
Giuliani is a target of the criminal investigation against his and ex-president Donald Trump’s alleged interference in the 2020 presidential election. He was also investigated for his role in inciting the Jan. 6, 2021 insurrection and spreading election misinformation.
“Anybody who would honor Giuliani is off their rocker clearly, and we just want him to have to realize that there are people in New York who think that he should be indicted and disbarred and that he’s a liar and that he’s a cheat and he shouldn’t be honored,” Rise and Resist protester Marilyn Oliva said.
Building staff at 80 Fifth Ave declined to comment. The New School rents out office space in the building along with other tenants. The event has no affiliation with the university.
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