The ideal skatepark

Sunday Comics by HMAC is The New School Free Press’ weekly comic, where our creative artists encapsulate relatable interactions, humor and, day-to-day life

A classic skatepark that is full of cartoon people colored in pink, orange, blue and, green.The figurines wear roller skates next to NYC iconography like rats and pizza.
As summer rolls around, do you and your friends yearn to have fun at the skatepark but the sea of men is uninviting? In this week’s Sunday Comic, HMAC envisions a skatepark for the girls and the gays, owning their roller skates and shredding away.

2 responses

  1. Pop tingles Avatar

    The best in the business.

  2. Julia Hawkins Avatar

    I love HMAC and her truly unique and fun style! Her art brightens my days, anyone who meets her knows she is going places:)

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