New School Teamsters express solidarity with striking SENS workers

In a statement shared with the Free Press, Teamsters Local 1205 expressed solidarity with striking workers from SENS-UAW Local 7902. The message comes as the first public expression of solidarity with SENS from any other non-UAW union on campus.

The Free Press received the statement via email from Yvonne Garrett at 5:19 p.m., closely following the conclusion of the first day of SENS picketing. Garrett is the Executive Secretary to the Dean of the Schools of Public Engagement and a long-time Teamsters shop-steward. 

The message reads, “Local 1205 Teamsters C&L and Professional Units send our support and solidarity to graduate and undergraduate academic workers at The New School (SENS-UAW) as they go on strike for a living wage, improved health care, greater support for caregivers and international students, and other important demands.”

Teamsters Local 1205 are affiliated with two different units on campus. The Clerical and Librarian unit represents 75 workers on campus including Office Assistants, Secretaries, Librarians and other clerical roles. The Professional unit is composed of 135 workers including Technicians, Financial Aid Counselors, International Student Advisors, and similar designations.

The current contract for Clerical and Librarian workers is set to expire on June 30, 2024, so the statement also comes at a time when at least one of the units is expecting to enter bargaining in the coming months.

The statement continued, “We know from our own experience as staff the burden that falls on academic workers when they are paid poverty wages in one of the most expensive regions of the country. Students, staff, faculty, and the communities around our institutions all suffer when one group faces these degrading conditions.”

In an email blast from SENS earlier this evening, the union affirmed, “We are very close to an agreement with the University and only need very small movement from them for us to end our work stoppage.” With another bargaining session set to begin at 11:30 a.m. tomorrow, the SENS bargaining committee will be addressing some of the same concerns that Teamsters expressed solidarity over.

The statement concluded, “We urge The New School administration to stop dragging their feet and negotiate a fair contract now!”

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