An open letter to President Shalala: Your actions were a betrayal to the New School community

NYPD officers outside the University Center on the evening of May 3rd, after arrests had been made on campus. Photo by Rthvika Suvarna

Aarya Kini is the Editor-in-Chief of the New School Free Press.  President Shalala,  On the morning of May 3, just as members of our Gaza Solidarity Encampment were…

All students arrested by the NYPD have been released and are facing temporary suspension

TNS community members gathered at One Police Plaza to support students being released by the NYPD. Photo by Jordan Fong

As of 4:00 p.m. an official from the New York Police Department (NYPD) told the New School Free Press that 45 students in total were arrested this morning…

Students form a “human blockade” in front of the UC after Board of Trustees failed to hold a divestment vote

Demonstrators and counter-protestors in front of the University Center at 63 Fifth Avenue. Photo by Aarya Kini

Thursday afternoon, after The New School’s Board of Trustees failed to hold a vote to divest from companies supporting and arming Israel, over 200 demonstrators gathered in front…