The New School’s non-academic student workers are organizing their unionization campaign   

NewSWU Organizing Committee members Jovanna Liuzzo (left) and Aarya Kini (right) speak at the April 11 Rally Against Austerity in the Eugene Lang Courtyard.

Non-academic student workers are the only non-unionized group on The New School’s campus besides full-time faculty. With support from ACT-UAW Local 7902 and union members at the university,…

University Student Senate to hold elections for the 2023-24 Academic Year this week

Five Student Senators pose with a USS advisor and Gnarls. Pictured in the photo, from left to right: Spencer Sher, Andrade Fearon, DesireeMonae Gibbs, Gnarls, Lauren Kaase, McKenna Merriman, Ahana Sharma. Image via the University Student Senate

Eight days later than planned, The New School’s University Student Senate (USS) will be holding elections for the 2023-24 Academic Year beginning Tuesday, May 2 at 12 p.m.…

Lang begins programming to support first-year students with Town Hall on Monday 

New Lang First Year Programming to start with First Year Town Hall Monday April 3.

Starting April 2023, Eugene Lang College of Liberal Arts will offer first-year students multiple events a month dedicated to supporting their adjustment to college, community building, and social…

Do you live in NYC? You can vote for how public funds should be allocated to your neighborhood now

All New School students, regardless of voter registration, residency, or citizenship status, are eligible to vote online or in-person in New York City’s Participatory Budgeting election this week. Illustration by Ramona Mauroff

New Yorkers aged 11 or older are eligible to vote on what local physical and social infrastructure projects they want to see funded in New York City’s 2024…

Several university groups come together to provide free menstrual products in New School bathrooms

New School students may start to see free menstrual products in the University’s bathrooms this semester. Illustration by Ramona Mauroff

The New School main academic buildings could soon have free menstrual products in restrooms. Several university groups are pushing for the “No Pay Period Product” initiative, which would…