The Aftermath of May 3rd Arrests: the impact of charges and suspensions on international students

Jail support legal team at One Police Plaza on May 3rd. Photo by Caidin Ferrigno

This story was updated on Monday, May 6th at 3:35 p.m. The 45 student demonstrators arrested at The New School’s Gaza Solidarity Encampment and released from One Police…

Parents take to Facebook group to express concerns and frustrations in response to the university’s communication, strike protocol, and more

Image of “New School Parents/Guardians/Emancipated Students” Facebook group

During the three day SENS-UAW Local 7902 strike, a private Facebook group titled “New School Parents/Guardians/Emancipated Students” served as a platform for parents to seek advice and share…

Censorship at the Welcome Center: How an Instagram post turned into a controversy

A Palestinian flag hangs from a broken store sign. Aida Refugee Camp, Bethlehem. Photo by anonymous student worker, from now-deleted Instagram post.

The New School Welcome Center’s Instagram page is known for its casual posts that give their followers insight into daily life around New York City. But on Wednesday,…

Awaiting NLRB decision on union election eligibility, student worker petition reaches over 100 signatures

Chalked writing on the walls of the Lang courtyard. Photo by Isabella Gallo.

In less than a day, NewSWU, the group working to unionize non-academic student workers, garnered over 100 signatures on a petition asking that the university respect their “right…

The 301 Saga: Students say they faced an evacuation, mass relocation, and chaos with little support from administration

Student waits for a cab outside of 301 Residence Hall on Wednesday, April 12. Photo by Caidin Ferrigno

Only a week after a fire and flood in The New School’s 301 Residence Hall, residents of 301 were hit with another major disruption. At 9:08 p.m. on…