A large glass case full of antique medical tools related to abortion. An antique brown leather examination chair with leather stirrups. A recording of…
When you make eye contact with someone in the streets of Paris, you don’t smile. This is one of the first things I noticed…
The name Carlos Santana is uttered by the professor and the class breaks into a knee-bending, hip-twisting dance. The performers are dressed like college…
What does it mean to dream about yourself in the future? This past decade, marked by a tumultuous political climate and an ever-increasing ecological…
This January, while many New School students were facing the cold, a group of 13 students traveled to Altos de Chavón: a design school…
Fashion on 5th is The New School Free Press’ fashion column showcasing the student’s best and most unique looks of the week. Zeli Castill…