Category: Featured
A View From the Top: The New School University Center
Where Couture and God Meet
There’s a new student group at The New School. ‘Faith and Fashion,’ true to its name, provides an opportunity for the curious and faithful alike to discuss how…
ACIR Desperately Seeking Students
When over 100 New School students occupied the old 65 Fifth Ave. building in December 2008, they asked for input into university investment practices. Students feared that with…
Off Union Square, The New School Lends a Hand with Healthy Living
Nutritional advice and intenSati On a recent morning in a bright top floor high school gym in Washington Irving High School near Union Square, a radical experiment in…
Cycling Culture Comes to The New School
Zipping around the streets of New York, the New School Bike Task Force, a newly formed group of students, created a university-wide sustainable bike program to promote a…