Lang Peer-to-Peer Connect, a student-founded program, is running for a second time this semester after it piloted in the fall. In the middle of…
How do you balance feeling dissatisfied with your classes with your passion for the work? For the Free Press’ debut podcast, “The Stamp,” we’re…
Blue flyers featuring sad bunny faces could be found around The New School campus this Valentine’s Day. “Sad on Valentine’s Day?” the bunny doodle…
The New School will no longer require individuals who are vaccinated and boosted for COVID-19 to participate in regular testing and will expand visitor…
In the fall of 2015, I was thrilled to be offered a job teaching Sustainable Systems at Parsons, an undergrad course where young designers…
New School students, faculty, and staff who were not scouring their emails over the winter break may have missed it, but Provost and Executive…