‘There is nothing to divest from’: Joel Towers announces Board of Trustees decision against divestment
The New School’s Board of Trustees has voted against divestment from military industry companies, not accepting the Advisory Committee on Investor Responsibility (ACIR) recommendation,…
Student Senate hosts pop-up voter registration event
The New School University Student Senate (USS) teamed up with the American Library Association (ALA) and the League of Women…
New School students join thousands to demonstrate against Netanyahu’s UN address
Students from The New School joined thousands of demonstrators in support of Palestine ahead of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s…
ACIR holds meeting for New School community following divestment report
The Advisory Committee on Investor Responsibility (ACIR) opened the floor to thoughts from the university community after the release of…
New School enhances security measures for the beginning of Fall 2024
Guards in white-collared shirts labeled “security” have been outside all New School buildings since the start of the fall 2024…
University Student Senate passes ‘Cops Off Campus’ resolution
In response to the arrests of student demonstrators and the continued presence of New York Police Department (NYPD) officers on…
Campus renovations strike a conversation around third spaces for students
Last spring, students arrived at the University Center to find a surprise. During winter break of 2023, the UC cafeteria…