Opinion: Sustainability needs to carry the luxury in luxury beauty
Luxury beauty isn’t a waste of money – they just need to do more to justify their price tag. One step this industry can…
Photoshop: Media’s Newest Scapegoat
Fashion magazines use Photoshop. Whether in advertisements, spreads, or covers, you can bet that models and settings have been retouched.…
Dark Clouds on the Horizon
The Convenience of Cloud Computing Comes at What Cost? By the end of 2013, the cloud services market is expected…
The Truth About New School Secrets
Juicy, Hilarious Gossip, or Passive Aggressive Depression? New School Secrets, an anonymous confessions page created on Facebook in April…
Trading Privacy for Convenience
How the NSA is Doing what Google has Done for Years In the wake of the Edward Snowden revelations, it’s…
Courage, Thy Name is Swift
How Taylor Swift’s Modus Operandi can Save the Love in Your Life Despite 191 awards with her name on them…