Judy Chicago’s Herstory: The art and artifice of girlbossing

Judy Chicago, “Birth Trinity: Needlepoint One, from the Birth Project” “Judy Chicago: Herstory,” 2023. Exhibition view: New Museum, New York. Courtesy New Museum. Photo: Dario Lasagni

Well-behaved women rarely make history, but they do get DIOR sponsorships. The New Museum is now displaying “Judy Chicago: Herstory,” an exhibition that spans the sixty-year career of…

Catch of the day

Illustration by HMAC

Sunday Comics by HMAC is The New School Free Press’ weekly comic, where our creative artists encapsulate relatable interactions, humor and, day-to-day life.

New School professor wins $50,000 Whiting Award

Anaïs Duplan received a Whiting Award at the New York Historical Society on April 6. He was honored with the award for his nonfiction book “Blackspace: On the Poetics of an Afrofuture.” Illustration by Camila Giraldo

Anaïs Duplan is among many other established and up-and-coming writers that have been honored with the prestigious award. A former New School professor and celebrated poet was one…

BIPOC Artists and Students Form an Art-Focused Home in Brooklyn

Yetunde Sapp and Yasmine Barboza painting on clothing and making prints that they will sell at a Black business fair at the end of the week. Photo by Elia Griffin.

This August, in the midst of the global pandemic, third-year BA/BFA fashion design and liberal arts student Yetunde Sapp, and her roommate, Rashad Heagle, decided to transform their…