GetLit: Fiction / ‘Looker’

Illustration by Sadie Wood

GetLit is a semimonthly series featuring works of fiction and creative nonfiction submitted by New School students. GetLit’s September open call fiction selection is “Looker” by Lydia Chiu. Lydia (any/all) is a fourth-year, undergraduate illustrator and writer pursuing a BFA in illustration and a BA in literary studies for fiction writing. Enjoy their work here.

GetLit: Nonfiction / ‘Chai’

Illustration by Sadie Wood

GetLit is a semimonthly series featuring works of fiction and creative nonfiction submitted by New School students. GetLit’s September open call nonfiction selection is “Chai” by Sobhia Kamal Jamro. Sobhia (she/her) is a first-year creative writing MFA student concentrating in fiction. Enjoy her work here.