The University Student Senate (USS) hosted their second meeting with Joel Towers, The New School’s president, last Friday. Despite USS members stating that these…
A variety of film buffs, philosophy students, and visitors from outside of The New School came together last Friday night for the Philosophy Film…
This story was updated on Dec. 4 at 12:05 am. A chorus of laughs, cheers, and claps echoed through Arnhold Hall, mingling with the…
Crowding into a theater to watch unfinished films may sound unusual, but at The New School’s School of Media Studies (SMS), it’s a time-honored…
THIS IS NOT A WAR STORY — a film written and directed by New School professor of screen studies Talia Lugacy — is a…
With 80 degree weather looming into the autumn months, New School students are more worried than ever about the effects of climate change on…